There has been a lot of work done over the last few months. Here are some of the most noteworthy additions.
Item Rework
Items are no longer randomly generated. Attributes and effects are now unique to each item, similar to a League/DOTA. They start off that way at least.
Squad Addition
Your members, devices, tactics, and other miscellaneous tools are now organized in a single menu.
Post Floor Summary
The pixel grid looks a little funky here when scaled down to fit this video
After each floor, check out your progress with the new post floor summary.
Combat Improvements
Combat is now 1 round. Enemies can now spawn in waves over time. Changed up a bunch of previous combat mechanics.
...and more to come!
Here are the full enumerated patchnotes:
DEAT-636 Dungeon death animation has some weird offset
DEAT-650 Make Combat 1 round
DEAT-654 Implement new items
DEAT-656 Implement class effects
DEAT-657 Implement actions on level up. 1 on-brand Action. 1 Attack/Spell. 1 Random
DEAT-658 Implement class action tables
DEAT-659 Generate heros for new classes
DEAT-665 Get companion every 2 floors
DEAT-666 Add items back to vending machines
DEAT-668 Remove character status entry elements from combat screen
DEAT-672 Give characters 3 action slots
DEAT-673 Give characters 3 item slots
DEAT-681 Make enemies spawn in phases not rounds
DEAT-682 Make fatigue work in new round event system
DEAT-683 Add our party to spawn in new round event system
DEAT-684 Make animations pause when combat is paused
DEAT-685 Make use of Combatants instead of getting players from Companions/Players
DEAT-687 Implement Acolyte enemies
DEAT-689 Combat attacking animations are messed up
DEAT-691 Implement new smithing
DEAT-696 Implement new squad UI
DEAT-698 Find a way to give us starting skills
DEAT-699 Automatically make us the leader in the squad UI
DEAT-700 Make def do percent funny damage reduction
DEAT-706 Draw items in party, both party + character
DEAT-707 Update start chest frames to not have brown bounce
DEAT-708 Make it so that you can move items around in party
DEAT-709 Have anvil draw party items
DEAT-710 Be able to drag and smith 1 item on anvil
DEAT-711 Give classes better starting stats
DEAT-712 Be able to change action priority
DEAT-713 Make actions scale better to our new stat ranges
DEAT-715 Give spells infinite range
DEAT-716 Make ultimates charge up instead of just being available
DEAT-718 Add targeting type tile for actions
DEAT-720 Add targeting type allies for actions
DEAT-721 Add targeting type passive for actions
DEAT-722 Structure Items to have an upgrade tree. So when you upgrade you can choose what it upgrades into
DEAT-723 Draw ultimate/rare skills different than normal skills
DEAT-724 Crank up stamina for all characters
DEAT-725 Make enemies have more starting speed
DEAT-726 Implement passives (formerly auras)
DEAT-727 Be able to close party screen with button
DEAT-728 Draw mana on characters with ultimate
DEAT-730 Make basic skill descriptions a little more faded
DEAT-731 Make Brute skills look different
DEAT-732 Make Archer skills look different
DEAT-733 Allow all classes to get potion skill
DEAT-734 Update Chaos Beam to use modern skill coding
DEAT-735 Butchers hook looks bad now (go figure)
DEAT-736 Enemies kinda large in battlefield
DEAT-737 HP Bar wrong and name wrong
DEAT-739 Replace cast bar + field hp bars resize with rectangle masks
DEAT-740 Slimes arent being slime bodied
DEAT-741 Animated armor fades very late on combat death. + shakey leg
DEAT-742 Game crash if you level up when you have two level ups
DEAT-743 Enemies join way too far back visually
DEAT-746 Guarantee 1 item drop per floor. Have it random on first second or third encounter
DEAT-747 Starting stats aren't applying
DEAT-748 Repeating background pattern for descriptions are set before they are moved in MakeActionDescription
DEAT-749 Make it so that monks can unequip items
DEAT-750 Make your characters start with basic actions. Beyond 1 basic attack.
DEAT-751 Remove starting level up
DEAT-752 Get rid of squad configs. Keep Roles. Add strategy cards you can choose during combat. Then find a way to make the waves work
DEAT-753 Check if our getallies/getenemies calls needs to include targetable
DEAT-754 In Engine Item Description
DEAT-755 Implement legendary items
DEAT-756 Buff legendary stats
DEAT-765 Anvil item scrolling doesnt work
DEAT-766 Passives not working
DEAT-767 Make butchers hook choose the closest square around us between the target if possible
DEAT-770 Work in squad sketches
DEAT-771 Work in jelly animation system
DEAT-774 Generate 3 lvl 1 tactics on game start
DEAT-775 Draw tactics ui in combat
DEAT-776 Draw squad closer to bottom left
DEAT-777 Disable roles for now
DEAT-778 Characters die in dungeon are all offset
DEAT-779 Vending costs are all off
DEAT-780 You can exit summary too quick and stamp the screen !
DEAT-781 Remove enemy hp bar
DEAT-782 Double damage entries on party summary
DEAT-783 Work in post floor summary sketches
DEAT-784 Improve text on dungeon ui. Needs more shadow
DEAT-792 Make tinker have no skills but upgrades improve sentries
DEAT-793 Animate post floor performance
DEAT-794 Draw character level ups in post floor summary
DEAT-795 Draw loot gained in post floor summary
DEAT-796 Finish temporary party screen functionality
DEAT-797 Vending Broke
DEAT-798 Adjust start chest colors
DEAT-799 Add glow around start chest
DEAT-800 Some combat effects don't have a tooltip
DEAT-802 Smithing loot not in loot summary
DEAT-803 Make status bar bar masked not resized in status description
DEAT-804 Draw character xp bar in party screen
DEAT-805 Draw party member items and actions in party screen
DEAT-806 Make party member desc entries clickable and switch between characters
DEAT-807 Click to hide character description in combat
DEAT-808 Click to create character description in combat
DEAT-809 Draw statuses in character description
DEAT-810 Make status div show up in desc even if we start with 0 statuses
DEAT-811 Actions disappear if starting round describing
DEAT-812 Actions become offset after first cast
DEAT-813 Character invisible after combat sometimes
DEAT-816 Fit cast bar on character description
DEAT-818 Make character description have stamina bar
DEAT-820 Blood/slime pauses for a frame - doesn't loop cleanly
DEAT-822 Status divs disappear sometimes
DEAT-823 Begin round shows hp wager
DEAT-824 Highlight sections for squad ui not showing up in combat
DEAT-826 Need to update character description stats in real time
DEAT-829 Automatically make new characters come in the next available role
DEAT-830 Make max roles 3 for act 1
DEAT-831 Start text doesn't go away on combat button
DEAT-833 Need to show buffed and debuffed stats in desc
DEAT-834 Tactics switch needs to reprep combat
DEAT-835 Decay status has no description
DEAT-837 Slime body characters can be slimed
DEAT-838 Enemy party wide statuses drawn in bad position on screen
DEAT-839 You can open menus while chest is animating, gotta cutscene it
DEAT-840 Tactic roles not sliding in
DEAT-841 Have full fieldhp bars be invisible?
DEAT-842 Add hotkey for squad ui
DEAT-843 Opening party ui doesnt hide/close squad
DEAT-844 Upgrade effect on smithed item a little off center
DEAT-846 You are prompted to switch actions even when you have 2 or less actions
DEAT-847 Add gold to loot collected in post floor summary
DEAT-848 Give smaller hitbox to squad box
DEAT-850 Make squad and party bag higher from bottom of combat ui
DEAT-851 Make main menu fog less gpu intensive
DEAT-852 Legendary items too cheap
DEAT-853 Taking skills doesn't use mouse position well
DEAT-855 Update wiki warrior sprites from artist
DEAT-856 Make auto explore go to anvil if its not completed
DEAT-857 Make sure archer has enough skills
DEAT-858 If we have level ups, animate it on the party bag icon
DEAT-860 if we have level ups on another character, draw it
DEAT-862 When paused, draw a paused icon/symbol somewhere
DEAT-863 When in prison console, tooltip the class so it tells you what it does
DEAT-864 Update room bg to fix portal clipping in endroom3
DEAT-865 Add Archer Ultimate - Crystal Arrow
DEAT-866 Add Passive: Attacks apply bleeding (archer can too!)
DEAT-867 Give archer (Allies attacks apply poison skill)
DEAT-868 Add Passive Attacks apply frost
DEAT-869 Add Passive attacks apply burning
DEAT-870 Add Passive attacks apply slime
DEAT-871 Add Passive attacks apply poison (just us)
DEAT-872 Add Passive +Attack speed
DEAT-873 Add Passive Attacks shoot out a dagger at nearby enemies
DEAT-874 Add Archer Ultimate Passive Multishot, Attacks target +1 Enemies
DEAT-876 Add Passive attacks shock nearby enemies
DEAT-877 Degen tactic damage not logged in post combat
DEAT-878 Shadow sprite doesnt clean up after enemy dies in combat
DEAT-880 Ultimate passive descriptions draw the mana cost as 99
DEAT-881 Make tinkerer upgrades go into sentry upgrade object
DEAT-882 Implement rest of sentry upgrades
DEAT-883 Implement GetEffects for sentry upgrades in character description in combat
DEAT-884 Find way to display sentry upgrades outside of combat
DEAT-890 Fill out device description
DEAT-891 Get placeholder device art
DEAT-892 Setup devices in vending machines
DEAT-894 Draw devices in squad ui
DEAT-895 Draw/Implement Devices in combat
DEAT-896 Put in new post combat chest art
DEAT-899 Give vending purchases a little random side shift so they dont stack
DEAT-900 Put in empty post combat loot chest frame
DEAT-901 Timeline alternative, have enemies line up at sidelines
DEAT-902 Variety Vending Machine
DEAT-905 Design event that uses the furnace art we paid for
DEAT-906 Treasure Goblin Event
DEAT-908 Make taking loot on vending only actually take it on exit
DEAT-909 Handle too many tactics after vending machine
DEAT-910 Handle too many tactics checking for too many potions after vending machine
DEAT-911 Make some better art for the extra potions/tactics/devices screens
DEAT-912 Resolve multiple describers
DEAT-913 Party hp doesn't update after combat
DEAT-914 Pirate gold post combat doesn't coalesce
DEAT-916 Make highlight in prison blue
DEAT-917 Give the summoning enemy arcane_shot instead of ignite
DEAT-920 Add ability to not take a new skill on lvl up
DEAT-921 Chakram firing angle not right?
DEAT-922 Only show ult bar when > 0 charge?
DEAT-923 Trick should show action being used like scroll - with like a unique art (purply)
DEAT-925 Existing action descriptions draw below new choices
DEAT-926 You can click to describe enemies while squad ui up
DEAT-927 Charcater desc draws over squad ui fade cause z index
DEAT-928 Ice_Wind_Gale not in HandlePassives
DEAT-929 Companion on floor 3 was only lvl 1?
DEAT-930 Enemy description should have enemy name somewhere
DEAT-932 Maybe sort anvil items by who they are equipped by instead of rarity
DEAT-933 Level up indicator draws on party button but not on characters, not sure which is wrong
DEAT-934 Draw devices in combat like our mock up
DEAT-935 Draw tactics better/smaller at least
DEAT-937 Ultimate bar doesn't fade on character death
DEAT-939 Make waiting characters a little faded
DEAT-940 Make waiting characters describable
DEAT-941 Make indicator when waiting characters join
DEAT-942 Make waiting characters join
DEAT-943 Make enemy characters wait
DEAT-944 Indicate rats aren't entities on their description
DEAT-945 Order by rarity within groups for anvil items
DEAT-946 You can mouse over dead characters
DEAT-947 Shrunk and magnify mess up sprites all over
DEAT-948 Shift action description not working for ratios
DEAT-949 Tinkerer Sentry all messed up
DEAT-950 Ranged skills should say Ranged instead of 99 tiles
DEAT-951 Spending gold looks a bit off in vending ui. The gold amount text
DEAT-954 Indicate when characters join in character description or mouse over or something
DEAT-955 Make haste not a looping anim, just the gust on the initial. Reserve that for some special buffs
DEAT-956 Make huge/shrunk not visible statuses on status bar, its obvious enough
DEAT-957 Rename shrunk to tiny
DEAT-958 Test Ressurect skill
DEAT-959 Haunt doesn't choose allies on death
DEAT-960 Make haunting a little less frequent
DEAT-961 Tactics should apply to summons
DEAT-962 Sort loot by type in post floor summary
DEAT-963 Little hp bar on dying enemies
DEAT-964 Description doesn't update in real time
DEAT-965 Buff icons draw overlaid
DEAT-966 Enemies that stack start stacked in add enemies to board
DEAT-967 When you pick up new guys, their level ups draw in the floor summary
DEAT-968 Prioritize spots that don't have people already on them when setting up timeline
DEAT-969 You can't view ratios of upgrade actions
DEAT-970 Reduce scaling on attacks by 10%
DEAT-971 Change that one archer skill scales off int
DEAT-972 Make the beam skills less visibly intense
DEAT-973 Skill that steals hp when attacked is too strong
DEAT-974 That storm enemy can't cast anything
DEAT-975 Companions don't show up on boss transition screen
DEAT-976 Stealth effect sits too high up on character sprite
DEAT-977 Stealth character's fieldhpbar doesn't show up after they leave stealth
DEAT-978 Boss doesn't do cast animation while pausing the game
DEAT-979 Passive action descriptions draw a cast and cooldown
DEAT-980 Ultimate skill previews should draw differently
DEAT-981 Castbar doesn't hide when used up
DEAT-982 Device cooldown/highlight still not synced
DEAT-983 Maybe don't bonus z-index when you encounter combat
DEAT-984 Frame animation offsets are scaled on animation being played but it needs to scale off the sprite in real time
DEAT-985 Make Jellies scale more by size/type
DEAT-986 Maybe make shields not show up on the status bar
DEAT-987 Should morning frost just be a passive?
DEAT-988 Mind storm projectile doesn't do anything
DEAT-989 Shields being weird in secret status div
DEAT-990 Removing a character in squad doesn't remove them from combat, what about adding them?
DEAT-992 Chakram comes out on bad angle
DEAT-993 Jelly death frame doesn't last long so its offset gets all messed up in combat when it starts to fade
DEAT-995 Maybe make victory/loss a little more clear in combat (fail stamp instead of pass)
DEAT-996 Make a big tanky type of character that appears a few times
DEAT-998 Does picking a new action recalc your actions in prep?
DEAT-1002 Make water cooler art/pre/consumed
DEAT-1003 Add water cooler to editor, make end rooms, make event
DEAT-1004 Add device sentries on round begin
DEAT-1007 Have brewing status say what potion is shoots out when it casts it
DEAT-1008 Add more def to enemies/later enemies
DEAT-1010 Test out soul split some more
DEAT-1012 If character dies using a beam skill, remove it
DEAT-1013 Make some encounters with few enemies at the end (not just more)
DEAT-1014 Should replace damage text offset with a scaled offset not flat (for when character is scaled up or down like magnify)
DEAT-1015 Characters can't enter combat if blocked
DEAT-1017 Are all staged enemies status bar invisible?
DEAT-1018 Frost on all spells too strong?
DEAT-1019 Enemies don't cast passives when they join
DEAT-1020 Give tinkerer a better starting skill
DEAT-1021 Add elites
DEAT-1022 Nerf frost to be frozen at 10 stacks, but decay speed more aggressively
DEAT-1023 Make low speed actually slower
DEAT-1024 Make sure TakeDamage only reports either an action, status, or potion, device, or tactic (the only natural damage origins)
DEAT-1029 Passives need to show up in enemy pre round preview but not have them try to cast them
DEAT-1031 Add in recent item art
DEAT-1032 Add in desc bg art
DEAT-1034 Potion of slime lame
DEAT-1035 Golems too easy
DEAT-1036 Rogue stinks/is boring
DEAT-1037 Make distraction not summon a full clone, maybe just basic attack
DEAT-1038 Come up with shorter names for mastermind, spellblade, scoundrel
DEAT-1039 Make scroll actions damage log back to scroll (add a actionparent to each combat action and search for it in damage/heal log)
DEAT-1040 Remove highlight from anvil, make it dark and noised when you use it
DEAT-1041 Remove highlight from prison console, make it dark and noised when you use it
DEAT-1042 Remove highlight from cauldron console, make it dark and noised when you use it
DEAT-1043 Make cauldron console spawn a potion sprite and not a soup icon
DEAT-1044 Make water cooler dark and noised when you use it
DEAT-1045 Get some frames with loot in them for starting chest
DEAT-1047 Integrate post floor final art
DEAT-1048 Work in sketch of half skeleton
DEAT-1049 Quickly toggling the sidebar messes with the placement
DEAT-1050 You can just unequip items by dragging them onto the anvil
DEAT-1051 Butchers hook looks all messed up again
DEAT-1052 Anvil items aren't categorized if you drag em all around
DEAT-1053 You can somehow enter combat for the final boss with the prompt still on the screen
DEAT-1054 Haunt too strong
DEAT-1055 Floor 3+ enemies too weak
DEAT-1056 Restrict some actions to higher levels
DEAT-1057 That one enemy uses an archer skill that shoots backwards
DEAT-1058 Ability to upgrade an item without losing its effect
DEAT-1059 Make interrupting channeling statuses remove the channeling status (only does for sap currently)
DEAT-1060 Make butchers hook 1 long sprite with a mask
DEAT-1062 Make item descriptions show if stats are upgraded (maybe obviously in the upgrade screen?)
DEAT-1063 Add effect for elite that makes them look special (skull icon above enemy)
DEAT-1064 Add highlight back to anvil
DEAT-1065 We can't have more than 3 combats per floor, that's just too much
DEAT-1066 Upgrade sprite somehow gets behind party bag upgrade
DEAT-1067 Need to reward players for elite encounter
DEAT-1068 Add exit button to event uis
DEAT-1070 Put in final draft of post floor screen
DEAT-1072 Make treasure goblin ultra rare encounter
DEAT-1074 Make flee skill and escape skill for goblin
DEAT-1075 Make goblin drop gold when hit in combat
DEAT-1076 Make portal out skill effect for goblin
DEAT-1077 Get legendary item from goblin if you beat him before he escapes
DEAT-1078 Get nothing from golbin if he escapes
DEAT-1080 Use this sparkle effect somewhere? in anvil + battle chest loot
DEAT-1081 Our character starts in an odd spot in combat
DEAT-1084 Pick sprites for legendary items
DEAT-1085 Maybe add a green buff effect for healing spells/buff spells. Do the sea of stars sparkle
DEAT-1086 Make upgrading items preserve the effect only if its tier 3+
DEAT-1088 Implement first draft of forge event
DEAT-1091 Make the action dragging better in level up
DEAT-1092 Elite icon doesn't appear above elite encounter sprites at beginning
DEAT-1093 Show loot pickup for vending machine, anvil leave, forge leave
DEAT-1094 Rework insurance program action (doesn't look right)
DEAT-1096 Add back loot beams in post combat chest when its a rarer item
DEAT-1097 Make daggers elite a stronger dagger enemy
DEAT-1098 Remove elite icon after battle
DEAT-1099 Post floor summary wrong
DEAT-1101 Enemy can't spawn when in second row
DEAT-1102 Devices drawing wrong color
DEAT-1103 Fieldhpbar not lining up on sprite
DEAT-1104 Replace money pickup ui animation with something less distracting in combat (maybe just coins coming out of the character)
DEAT-1105 Make embiggen device heal get logged (add device source to status)
DEAT-1107 Guarantee Ultimate at lvl 3. Give archer a 3rd ultimate. Reduce levels in game. Skew actions across levels
DEAT-1108 Make the money render to a static layer once its done moving
DEAT-1112 Have these belong to a character who owns the item
DEAT-1113 Bad player color in combat summary
DEAT-1116 Try out new cursors
DEAT-1117 Mock up music
DEAT-1118 Make elite battle losses do 1 more damage?
DEAT-1119 Make it so that losing an elite battle doesn't give you anything
DEAT-1120 Make it so that losing loot goblin only gives you gold you picked up
DEAT-1121 Add bow to half skeleton animation system
DEAT-1122 Make half skeletons brighter
DEAT-1123 Make mage boss less bright
DEAT-1124 Make archer enemies the skeltons
DEAT-1125 Summoning sigil timing is off
DEAT-1132 Make items + and ++ instead of I and II etc.
DEAT-1134 Hp bar doesn't align to the gird when walking north/south
DEAT-1135 Make different item tier descriptions a little more/less fancy
DEAT-1136 Device doesn't have icon when you animate loot pickup
DEAT-1137 Align smith upgrade items + make sure the descriptions don't overlap
DEAT-1138 Damage split should be a passive
DEAT-1139 In LevelUp you are prompted to replace a skill when you have 3/4 skills and you drag a new skill onto slot 1
DEAT-1140 Give skeletons the half skeleton sprite at least
DEAT-1142 Pull in doesnt make the animation systems, still uses wolves
DEAT-1144 Gold loot in post combat has magnifying glass (it shouldn't)
DEAT-1145 Potion of riches should spew a bunch of gold and not hit text
DEAT-1146 Party status spacing all off
DEAT-1147 Defective sentry should have a status or effect or something that says what its ability is
DEAT-1148 Remove SimNext3Skills, Draw Actions on the desc bar (all 4). Add brains to GetNextAction function
DEAT-1149 Status is not ticking during combat
DEAT-1151 Get open spot has to prioritize nsew before diagonal
DEAT-1154 Magnifying glass not appearing on action div entries
DEAT-1155 Apparition has 2 basic attacks
DEAT-1157 Change lava whip to get nearby enemies instead of tile.entity
DEAT-1158 Work on settings
DEAT-1160 Add Menu that allows you to abandon run/save/quit/exit/settings
DEAT-1163 Work on keys so that controls in the dungeon work good like they used to
DEAT-1165 Serenity scaling is wild
DEAT-1166 Heart stone item doesn't work
DEAT-1167 Boss stuck in research loop
DEAT-1168 When dragging music slider, set the current music volume to the initial volume * Setting.MusicVolume
DEAT-1179 Create a new blur effect that works and doesn't run poorly
DEAT-1180 Improve tutorial dialog
DEAT-1182 Make tutorial vhs slide into combat
DEAT-1183 Add our character to board during tutorial combat
DEAT-1186 Golem combat prep doesn't show you his statuses/party statuses
DEAT-1188 Device damage in post combat not describable
DEAT-1189 Make enemy storm actions a weaker non-ultimate version
DEAT-1192 Make passives apply to prepping characters
DEAT-1193 Too many status effects makes the character too dark
DEAT-1194 Test out soul split some more
DEAT-1195 Don't animate loot pickup for devices on vending because of extras dialog
DEAT-1196 Try to make blademail and personal assisstant from dagger art to attack/follow enemies
DEAT-1197 Put in new prompt window
DEAT-1202 Add some spell caster enemies. Add some big single enemies